Food habits for a healthy heart

4 min readFeb 18, 2021


Although you are aware of certain foods that can increase heart disease risks, it is often taken for granted that there are other factors that can affect your heart health. Sometimes concern should not only be about what you eat but also about how you eat. Adopt these food habits so you remain healthy and can indulge in some occasional treats without worries.

1. Control your portion size: Eating too many calories can lead to heartburn and digestive problems. Use a small plate or bowl to eat in moderation. and have more low-calorie, nutrient-rich foods like fruits and vegetables, and less high-calorie, high-sodium foods like refined, processed or fast foods.

2. Eat more vegetables and fruits: It is vital to have fruits and vegetables and fruits daily. These are rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre and are also low in calories. Vitamin C is essential in maintaining good health and it is also good for your heart. A rich source of vitamin C is Amla. Have it regularly for a natural vitamin boost.

3. Select whole grains: These are good sources of fibre and other nutrients that regulate blood pressure and heart health. Consume whole grains such as brown rice, barley and buckwheat. Wheatgrass can also be a healthy addition to your diet as it provides you with plenty of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants. It is also known to aid in weight loss and maintain a healthy gut.

4. Limit unhealthy fats: Limiting saturated and trans fats consumption will considerably reduce your blood cholesterol and lower your risks of getting coronary artery diseases. A high blood cholesterol level can lead to a buildup of plaques in your arteries called atherosclerosis, which can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

5. Choose low-fat protein sources: Poultry, fish, lean meat, eggs and low-fat dairy products are some best sources of protein. Legumes like beans, peas, and lentils are also protein-rich, with no cholesterol and contain less fat.

6. Reduce sodium in your food: Reducing sodium is an important part of a heart-healthy diet. Taking too much sodium can contribute to high blood pressure, a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. So, for your next meal, try to skimp on the salt intake.

7. Drink alcohol in moderation: Heavy drinking can lead to serious health problems like liver disease, cancer, peptic ulcers and increase your blood pressure. Regular or high alcohol use can hurt your heart and lead to heart muscle diseases, like cardiomyopathy.

Aside from controlling your food intake, you could also take supplements to remedy your body. Herbal supplements provide the goodness of natural ingredients. These are dietary supplements made of natural herbs aka medicinal plants that provide nutrients and other benefits to your body as opposed to chemically formed tablets and medicines. Herbal remedies based on Ayurveda are historically known to work in great ways for your body. Vitro Naturals is an authentic certified brand selling natural herbal solutions based on Ayurveda to work wonders on improving your health. The best thing about herbal remedies is that negative implications are less likely unless there is an underlying allergy to any ingredient. Their products have only the pure extracts of the organic ingredients with no added artificial substances. The feedback they have received show that their products are very effective. Their ranges contain a combination of organic ingredients that are known to heal the respective ailments. They have transparency over all the ingredients in their products and their benefits. Take the supplements in recommended dosages so that it works effectively. The brand creates products that bring out the benefits of those herbs to work efficiently for your body. They have products that are rich in nutrients, boost immunity, improves stamina, supplies antioxidants and much more.

Vitro Naturals provides to you the Healing Heart bundle — a combination of products with excellent herbal ingredients to keep your body and heart-healthy. The bundle contains two herbal juices and a herbal powder.

1. The I am Healthy — Aloe Wheatgrass Juice: It is a potent health drink. The blend of the two essential herbs provides you with plenty of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants. It is also known as ‘liquid gold’ as drinking a glass full of this juice is equivalent to eating one and a half pounds of green leafy vegetables. The juice has antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic and anti-ageing properties. It helps maintain a healthy body PH, improve haemoglobin count and promote a healthy gut.

2. The I am Healing — Amla Arjuna Juice: The juice presents you with the benefits of Amalaki and Arjuna. Amalaki is rich in vitamin C, and Arjuna is highly rich in minerals like zinc, calcium, copper and magnesium, all of which keeps your heart healthy. The juice helps to balance cholesterol and acidity, support a healthy heart and control blood pressure. It has anti-ageing properties and also contains antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties which help rejuvenate, detoxify and improve digestive health.

3. The I am Super Herb — Arjuna Chaal Powder: It contains antioxidants that promote cardiovascular health and blood sugar metabolism. It can treat diarrhoea, bronchitis, UTIs and regulate high blood pressure by reducing cholesterol levels. Ayurvedic doctors suggest the Arjuna Chaal Powder for overall heart health.

Maintaining good heart health is vital for your entire body to function properly. Even the smallest lifestyle changes affect the system in a great way.




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